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Cyber Security Solution

[vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” background_image=”2105″ background_position=”center”][vc_column][tm_spacer size=”sm:150;md:180;lg:219″][tm_heading tag=”h4″ custom_google_font=”” align=”center” text_color=”custom” custom_text_color=”#ffffff” font_size=”xs:34;sm:44;md:54;lg:64″ line_height=”1.13″]IT & Cyber Security Solutions in Saudi Arabia[/tm_heading][tm_spacer size=”lg:21″][tm_heading tag=”div” custom_google_font=”” font_weight=”500″ align=”center” text_color=”custom” custom_text_color=”#ffffff” font_size=”sm:18;md:21;lg:24″ line_height=”1.67″]We help businesses tackle cyber attacks[/tm_heading][tm_spacer size=”sm:150;md:180;lg:219″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row lg_spacing=”padding_top:140;padding_bottom:110″ sm_spacing=”padding_top:100;padding_bottom:100″][vc_column offset=”vc_col-md-4″][tm_heading style=”modern-number-01″ custom_google_font=”” max_width=”330px”]07Years’ Experience in IT[/tm_heading][tm_spacer size=”lg:24″][/vc_column][vc_column offset=”vc_col-md-offset-1 vc_col-md-7″][tm_heading style=”left-line” custom_google_font=”” font_weight=”800″ font_size=”sm:18;md:21;lg:24″ line_height=”1.67″]SciGen specializes in technological and IT-related services such as product engineering, Cyber Security Solutions, Web Designing, building cloud, infrastructure, network, etc. [/tm_heading][tm_spacer size=”lg:30″][tm_heading tag=”div” custom_google_font=”” font_size=”lg:18″ line_height=”1.67″ css=”.vc_custom_1553853457521{margin-left: 34px !important;}”]We put a strong focus on the needs of your business to figure out solutions that best fits your demand, while assisting you with building customer trust. [/tm_heading][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][tm_grid style=”border-04″ columns=”xs:1;sm:2;lg:4″ row_gutter=”lg:30″ column_gutter=”lg:30″][tm_counter animation=”odometer” number=”1790″ text=”Happy clients” sub_heading=”Successful work
with”][tm_counter animation=”odometer” number=”491″ text=”Finished projects” sub_heading=”Successfully
completed”][tm_counter animation=”odometer” number=”245″ text=”Skilled Experts” sub_heading=”We have more
than”][tm_counter animation=”odometer” number=”1090″ text=”Media Posts” sub_heading=”Blog
update”][/tm_grid][tm_spacer size=”lg:90″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row_content”][vc_column][tm_spacer size=”lg:120″][tm_heading tag=”h4″ custom_google_font=”” align=”center” sm_align=”center” font_size=”sm:28;md:34;lg:40″ line_height=”1.4″]Impact of the cyber attack on your business[/tm_heading][tm_spacer size=”lg:40″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Cyberattacks can have a devastating impact on businesses. Downtime can cost your business hundreds or thousands of dollars an hour in repair costs and missed productivity, while the loss of sensitive company or client data can be even more costly – often forcing a business to go out of business completely.

The risk of a cyberattack has intensified in recent years, as small and midsized businesses become the favored target for cyber thugs. Though relatively undefended compared to large companies, many SMBs still possess valuable data that can be sold on the black market, which makes them a target of both professional and amateur hackers[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row_content”][vc_column][tm_spacer size=”lg:120″][tm_heading tag=”h4″ custom_google_font=”” align=”center” sm_align=”center” font_size=”sm:28;md:34;lg:40″ line_height=”1.4″]Protect Your Internal and Cloud-Based Workflow with Cybersecurity Protocols and Management Built for High-Demand IT Environments[/tm_heading][tm_spacer size=”lg:40″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Our cybersecurity solutions and services are custom-designed to safeguard your business technology and data assets – ensuring that your business operations are protected and always available.
Your IT systems are protected by experts in the field that understand the technology your business uses and the threat vectors that cyber criminals leverage in their attempts to gain access and do damage.
Business leaders are gravitating toward a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity management for the following reasons

  • The need to protect an always-on workflow
  • The expense of trying to recover compromised data
  • The reputational damage that can be done by a cyber breach

What Cybersecurity Strategies Does SciGen Leverage in Building Concentric Walls of Security Around Business Data and Processes?

Compliance Management

Simply relying upon a “set it and forget it” compliance strategy is not sufficient, is it? You need a team on your side that can meet the IT side of compliance standards without negatively impacting the efficiency of internal workflow. To meet the refined demands of this delicate balancing act, you need a cybersecurity team that has a wealth of experience in both IT compliance and working in cooperation when needed with the bodies that are tasked with compliance oversight.

By leveraging a robust cyber risk management framework, the SciGen team provides protection for your mission-critical IT assets while ensuring that the industry and legislative compliance requirements for your industry are met or exceeded. But we don’t ask you to take our word for it. We provide each of our clients with the control framework and regular compliance posture reporting needed to provide complete transparency into their compliance process and standing.

End-User Security Awareness Training

Did you know that your employees likely pose the greatest vulnerability gap in your efforts to secure your business data and workflow? Because the focus is the technology, many times IT professionals and business owners alike forget that employees need ongoing training to stay current with phishing and social engineering exploits that target them in order to gain access to the company’s network.

How Does End User Security Awareness Training Work?

The SciGen team of cybersecurity professionals use a simple, repeatable, three-step process to help you build a culture of cybersecurity awareness within your company.

  • Step #1 – Train – Providing group or online interactive instruction
  • Step #2 – Test – Using automated, simulated attacks to see how your employees respond
  • Step #3 – Analyze – Providing statistics and graphs developed from the testing stage to indicate what information your employees absorbed from the training and what needs further attention

Security Management

The five pillars of cybersecurity management are:

  1. Threat Intelligence
  2. Behaviour Analysis
  3. Auditing and Logging
  4. Change Management
  5. Monitoring and Alerting

The security of your client data, proprietary information, and mission-critical processes is not something you can leave to anything less than a full team of experienced cybersecurity professionals. Here are the IT security solutions that are leveraged by SciGen to provide you with concentric walls of always-on cybersecurity.

  • Industry-Specific Services – providing tailored solutions to all types of businesses from Automotive to Non-Profit to ensure that your technology is right for your business needs.
  • Email and Network Security – maintaining and implementing the right security solutions, including anti-virus software, firewalls, web-content filtering, and spam filtering – keeping the gateways to your business secure and safe.
  • Data Backup and Business Continuity – creating a reliable business continuity plan to keep your data backed up, safe and secure – making sure all backups are monitored and tested on a regular basis to ensure recoverability.
  • Secured Firewall – protecting your network from unauthorized access and blocking intrusions without compromising your internet connection
  • Managed Anti-virus and Malware Protection – keeping ahead of present and horizon-level viruses by constantly updating threat databases, spotting problems, and eliminating threats
  • 24/7 System and Network Monitoring – monitoring on-site and cloud assets in real-time to discover and eliminate threats
  • Web Content Filtering – preventing employees from visiting dangerous, malicious, or inappropriate websites
  • Spam Filtering – blocking and quarantining suspicious emails that may contain viruses or malware
  • Mobile Device Management – providing access to business data and processes on smartphones and tablets without fear of compromising security or compliance standing

Vulnerability Management

Every device in the company connects to the internet. That connection puts each device in the position of being a possible entry point for ransomware, hack attempt, or virus. The number of potential vulnerabilities number in the hundreds. The SciGen team deals with proactively implementing the thousands of critical patches that are needed if your operations and data are going to stay secure.

But vulnerability management isn’t just about workstations. Your mobile devices, network, cloud assets, firewall, endpoints, and servers also must be constantly updated and monitored to make sure that they are ready to ward off potential threats. All of this is critical to both operational security and compliance to standards such as PCI, HIPAA, GLBA, ISO27001, and NIST.

Business Continuity Consulting & Strategy

Surviving a disaster and ensuring sustainable operations is a key corporate objective. This is how we help you maintain access to core processes and data when your local IT assets are compromised.

  • Daily Backups of all operating systems, files, and applications are uploaded locally to restore quickly in times of emergency.
  • Cloud Backups ensure you have everything you need to continue working from anywhere when your onsite assets are inaccessible.
  • Emergency Response Planning provides your entire team with clear and concise policies and procedures to deal with disruption. In the event of any localized disaster, malware attack, or breach, your business operations continue smoothly.
  • Regular Testing of Restore Availability guarantees that backups are ready to be used, documenting gaps and errors to prevent the possibility of failed backups that keep you from staying operational.

We understand what is necessary to help implement the level of protection that your company needs. We keep cybersecurity management simple for you, providing a standardized managed service contract with guaranteed rates. Sleep easy knowing you have a fully managed backup & recovery solution that works for you.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][tm_image image=”2156″][vc_wp_custom_html]JTVCd3Bmb3JtcyUyMGlkJTNEJTIyMjE1OSUyMiU1RA==[/vc_wp_custom_html][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” background_color=”custom” custom_background_color=”#f5f5f5″][vc_column][tm_spacer size=”lg:100″][tm_heading style=”modern” tag=”h6″ custom_google_font=”” align=”center” text_color=”custom” custom_text_color=”#ababab”]Testimonials[/tm_heading][tm_spacer size=”lg:23″][tm_heading custom_google_font=”” align=”center” font_size=”sm:28;md:34;lg:40″ line_height=”1.4″]What do people praise about SciGen?[/tm_heading][tm_spacer size=”lg:75″][tm_testimonial number=”9″ auto_play=”5000″ pagination=”01″ carousel_gutter=”lg:20″ carousel_items_display=”xs:1;sm:2;lg:2″][tm_spacer size=”lg:86″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]